What You May Want to Prepare
We believe that you don't really need anything to do yoga. You don't need a mat, nor special clothing or props. Just yourself!
That said, some things from around your home can help you access comfort, particularly as we find ourselves wanting to explore more options.

Props for Most Asana (Physical Posture) Classes
Some items you might gather for class, depending on your class type:
1. A yoga mat (optional, but can provide cushion and traction for standing poses.)
2. A strap, or a belt, scarf, dog leash.
2. A firm blanket (doubles as bolster & block & helps with relaxation)
3. A hefty book or a yoga block.
4. An up-right backed chair (so many options for support!)
For Yin Yoga, Restorative & Yoga Nidra
Gather a few blankets (they can help you prop up various parts of your body to find support and relaxation).
For Yin Yoga and Restorative Yoga, you may want to also gather various kinds of pillows or couch cushions.