New Student Support
New to Yoga?
Welcome! You are in the right place. As a newcomer to yoga, we have many, many classes in which you will feel comfortable and capable!
We recommend that you start with a two-week intro pass.

Two-week Intro Pass for $20
This is for new students to Unfold who want to have a sampling of classes, to see what works best for you. Try an unlimited two weeks of yoga and meditation (good two weeks from purchase).
Some classes that are good for beginners (listed in order of exertion). Please note that Gentle classes can be done in a chair.
Gentle Core Strengthening*
Strength & Balance
Our meditation and yoga nidra classes are non-movement classes and all beginner friendly. Yoga nidra is typically done in a lying-down posture.
* These classes are also TBI-friendly, taught by LoveYourBrain certified instructors.
For descriptions of these classes, see drop-in classes. Click here for schedule.