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Liz Eisman (Liz/Liz)

portrait photograph of yoga instructor and ytt training faculty, Liz Eisman

Overwhelmed? Disconnected from yourself & others?  You are not alone! 


The culture we live in demands our attention in a myriad of ways leaving us longing for community, connection & inspiration.  People who attend my classes find these very things. I teach inclusive, creative, safe & trauma-informed gentle yoga. 


I love combining my knowledge of anatomy and physiology with psychology, mindfulness, visualization, and poetry, offering students an accessible yet challenging experience.  

Liz is the Program & Training Manager for Living Yoga. She has been a licensed massage therapist for 20 years and loves teaching yoga to people who are interested in recovering aspects of their body, mind, & spirit. 

Class With Liz

Gentle Yoga

Fridays 9 - 10am pst


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